Monday, May 13, 2013

20 Ways to Take a Break

Sleep deprivation and exhaustion are two of the biggest struggles we all face on a daily basis.  Here are some ideas for slowing down, taking a break, relaxing, and rejuvenating your body.
1. Go to a park
2. Eat a meal - in silence
3. Wander around your neighborhood.
4. Find a fully in tact leaf, put it under a piece of paper, and gently rub over it with a crayon.
5. Take a close-up picture of a flower
6. Take a nap
7. Read or write poetry
8. Go for a run or bike ride
9. Call a friend and catch up
10. Walk to a coffee shop and get a cool drink
11. Mute/Turn off all electronic devices
12. Find a body of water, and take deep breaths.
13. Eat outside
14. People-watch at a local hotspot
15. Watch something funny
16. Sing (by yourself to your favorite song)
17. Take a bubble bath
18. Have a glass of wine
19. Pick flowers and make a bouquet
20. Light a candle
Do you have any other ideas for how to go about relaxing or taking a daily little break?  Leave them in the comments! Everyone could use ideas for how to slow life down a bit.

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