Friday, March 15, 2013

10 Things You Didn't Know About Yourself

We all have random facts in our heads that bounce around and make us feel just a little bit smarter.  Today's post is about adding some fun facts about your own body to that list!

1. Everyone's "tongue print" is different.  Just like your fingerprint is unique to you, everyone has a one-of-a-kind tongue print!

2. You get a new stomach lining every few days - if you didn't your stomach acids would digest your stomach!

3. Sleep is more critical to your life than eating!  You could last weeks without food, but you will die after 11 days without sleep.

4. When you blush, your stomach lining also turns red.

5. Astronauts cannot cry tears in outer space - they don't flow without gravity!

6. The left side of the human brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa for the right side of the brain. 

7. Natural blondes have almost 30% more hairs than anyone else. Redheads have the fewest.

8. The sense of taste is the weakest of all 5 senses.

9. When you hum, the noise comes out your nose.  Try humming while plugging your nose!

10. Your brain cannot feel pain - it processes the pain signals from all other places in the body, but the brain itself cannot feel it!

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