Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Inspirational Travel Quotes

Traveling is both a privilege and life adventure that nurses have access to unlike almost any other profession.  Here are some quotes that are meant to help inspire you to take advantage of the opportunities your career can offer.

  • "If I don't get on that boat, I know exactly what I'm going home to.  If I do, my future is unwritten."

  • "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

  • "Twenty years from now you'll be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bow lines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

  • "Life is a book. Those who don't travel read only one page."

  • "We travel not to escape life, but so that life does not escape us."

  • "Travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer."

  • "Don't let your dreams be dreams."
If you have any favorite travel quotes, leave them in the comments!

Monday, March 18, 2013

First Day Travel Nurse Checklist

Travel nursing comes with a lot of planning and attempting to think ahead, so this quick little list is a way to make the planning process just a little easier.

This list includes a general idea of the things to know before your first day of work (often orientation) to make sure you are ready to go:

  • Where you're going: Hospital name, address, phone number, directions, Unit location, etc.
  • Manager/Supervisor Name
  • Dress code (Scrub color?)
  • Testing - your orientation (depending on the hospital) may ask you to take a knowledge-based, skills-based exam during orientation.
  • Parking information

This list includes the general things to bring with you on your first day:

  • Driver's License
  • BLS, and any other specialty-specific certifications
  • A notebook and pen
  • Any medications you take that could show up on a drug test.

Remember to leave your house with plenty of time to reach the hospital, because traffic in a new city will be a new experience for you, there's no way to know how well (or poorly) it will go.  Avoid the stresses of running late, and just leave early!

Congratulations on a new assignment and I wish you safe travels!

Friday, March 15, 2013

10 Things You Didn't Know About Yourself

We all have random facts in our heads that bounce around and make us feel just a little bit smarter.  Today's post is about adding some fun facts about your own body to that list!

1. Everyone's "tongue print" is different.  Just like your fingerprint is unique to you, everyone has a one-of-a-kind tongue print!

2. You get a new stomach lining every few days - if you didn't your stomach acids would digest your stomach!

3. Sleep is more critical to your life than eating!  You could last weeks without food, but you will die after 11 days without sleep.

4. When you blush, your stomach lining also turns red.

5. Astronauts cannot cry tears in outer space - they don't flow without gravity!

6. The left side of the human brain controls the right side of the body, and vice versa for the right side of the brain. 

7. Natural blondes have almost 30% more hairs than anyone else. Redheads have the fewest.

8. The sense of taste is the weakest of all 5 senses.

9. When you hum, the noise comes out your nose.  Try humming while plugging your nose!

10. Your brain cannot feel pain - it processes the pain signals from all other places in the body, but the brain itself cannot feel it!

Monday, March 4, 2013

What is the Hybrid Program?

Source Healthcare Staffing offers three types of nurse staffing arrangements.  There are typical travel nursing contracts, per diem contracts, and our Hybrid Program.

The Hybrid program here at Source Healthcare blends some of the best parts of Travel and Per Diem nursing.  I'm here to explain it so you understand both what it is that makes Source different and what we can do for you.

So as I said before, the program was designed to give you the best of both worlds.  You get to travel to a new location, experience a new way of life - or you can "travel" (stay relatively close to home) if that's better for you - and a lot of times you also choose your schedule.  You give us 5 days of availability and we schedule you for 3 or 4 (or more - however many you'd like).  

The way the program works is we house you in a convenient location in the center of several hospitals.  You work with our staffing department to set your schedule each week. This gives you a broad range of experiences with different people, doctors, patients, and hospitals, which will look great on a resume down the road.

We offer assignments for whatever length you desire! Our assignment length can be anywhere from 4 to 52 weeks. It's done through a contract that is secure to give you peace of mind and the hours you deserve. 

Our nurses through the travel program get the same amenities as a travel nurse.  Along with the ones listed here there are extra shift bonuses, health benefits and both relocation and licensing assistance.

The Hybrid program allows us the ability to staff nurses with only a year of experience, while most staffing agencies need a 3-year minimum amount of experience. 

What do you need to do?
To take advantage of this opportunity and get yourself placed, here's the list of steps you need to take:

1. Fill out our application on our website
2. Complete a Phone Interview - usually within the week of your application submission.
3. Get compliant - this is about a 2-week process, but once it's done - it's done and doesn't need to be repeated, allowing you the freedom to travel with us in the future.
4. Get going! 

Choosing this program allows you to travel and choose between either a tax-free housing stipend (to find your own living situation), or living arrangements that are prepared and ready for you when you get there!

Some ideas of how to take advantage of this opportunity:

  • Schedule your shifts in a chunk. This type of scheduling gives you a 3 or 4 day weekend to go home or to spend sight-seeing if you wish!
  • Travel somewhere you've always wanted to see! Do you love California? What about Colorado? Try living it up in Vegas! There are so many options you can explore so make sure to pick one you'll remember forever!
  • Travel with your friends! Do you have any co-workers that you'd love to explore America with? Take them with you! You can do an extended vacation together with us!

If you have any more questions please feel free to leave them in the comments or email