Wednesday, February 13, 2013

7 Superfoods to Keep You Alert for a 12-Hour Shift

I know it's tempting to rush to the candy, cookies, or any type of sugar when you're feeling a little sluggish. Unfortunately, we all know that we have to keep eating the candy to maintain our energy boost, or else: the crash.  Companies like 5-Hour Energy and Redbull like to capitalize on this crash by creating new, expensive, and sometimes disastrously unhealthy solutions.

You don't need to spend the 2 to 5 dollars (each!) on one of these products! Just switch up the way you eat and you'll find some energy - promise!

Nursing shifts are some of the longest out there and you may find yourself (naturally) getting a little sleepy toward the end.  This post will provide you with some ideas of foods you can eat to waver the energy crisis for a little longer.

The first superfood (superliquid?) you should be taking in all day is Water.
Water will keep you hydrated all the way down to your cells, which keeps them working at their primary level of functionality.  When you wake up, try to drink an entire glass of the stuff and it will leave you feeling more alert almost immediately.  You spent the whole night without drinking any water! Your body is dehydrated and could really use the boost (and don't forget to keep it going all through the day).


The second superfood, Almonds (unsalted and raw), can provide you with the protein and energy boost you're looking for.  A serving of these will boost your blood sugar naturally helping you feel more alert and awake.


Third, and one of my favorites on the list, Dark Chocolate.  Dark chocolate has the iron and magnesium your body needs to boost your energy, lower stress, and put you in a better mood to finish out the day.


Another food to pack along to the hospital with you are bananas. They are full of potassium and take your body a while to digest, leaving your system balanced and energized for longer.


Green tea is another energy booster (thank you caffeine) that offers so many health benefits, it's nearly unbelievable.  One of these benefits (one that is great and necessary for nurses is the antioxidants it provides, keeping you alert, awake and healthy! Every nurse could use an extra antioxidant boost.


Another green item to add to this list is avocado. Avocados are not only delicious, but they are also full of the healthy fats that your body needs to function properly.  These help to lower hunger, boost concentration, and leave you with glowing skin!


The final item on this list is berries.  Pop a handful of blueberries, raspberries or blackberries into your mouth to boost your fiber intake which helps to control and stabilize your blood sugar for a longer-lasting spike in energy.

Do you have a secret superfood that keeps you going all day? Leave it in the comments and will look into adding it to the list! All feedback is welcome!

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