Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Myths About Travel Nursing

There are many implications of the idea of a "travel nursing assignment" that cause many people to see it in more of a negative light than a positive one.  I'm here to debunk some of these myths and show that travel nursing is actually an exciting career that offers many advantages over other careers in this industry.

The first myth is that you have to relocate to a position far from home.

Not always!  While there are hubs of travel nursing locations in states like California, Nevada, Texas and Colorado, (meaning that more positions will be available in these locations) there are likely to be some positions available at a hospital near you! We offer positions at major hospitals all around the nation and all you have to do is ask if you'd prefer a position closer to home!  We will do our best to find something for you.

If you're worried about leaving family and friends behind, you can do as many nurses do - schedule your shifts in a chunk.  By putting all of your shifts together, you are leaving yourself 3 or 4 day weekends to travel home when you would like to!

The second myth is that travel nurses will not be well accepted by permanent nurses.

This is false.  Many permanent nurses are overwhelmed by the demand for their skills that they will gladly welcome someone new to help them out.  Many hospitals are short-staffed and could use any help they can get. Permanent nurses are looking for some relief, and that comes from you. 

If poor treatment by the permanent staff is something you are worried about, during your interview with a hospital, be sure to ask a few questions and get a feel for how they treat their travelers.  This can help ease any fears or uneasiness you may have going into the assignment.

The third myth is that travel nursing means that your assignment will last only 3 months and you will then be forced to travel again.

This, again is false.  While it is true that most assignments are 13 weeks, we are able to offer assignments for a duration that suits you, anywhere from 4 to 52 weeks (potentially leading to a permanent position).  Just be sure to let us know how long you would like to commit to an assigment.  If you think that this assignment should last longer, we would love to help accommodate you in that endeavor.

The fourth myth is that this position is not a stable career should the economy show a downturn.

On the contrary, nurses may find that this is a buffer against economic instability.  We are able to offer extremely competitive pay rates at Source HCS.  Additionally, you are able to choose your assignment location, meaning that you can choose a location where the average cost of living is lower.  If your dollar will go futher, this will lead to more dollars in your pocket at the end of your assignment.

If you're going far from home, think of your travel assignment as a cheap and extended vacation! In permanent positions you do not find the freedom to choose and modify your assignment as you do in travel assignments (or our hybrid program) so make sure to take advantage of this opportunity while the options are so abundant!

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